Ongoing Support
All the support and guidance you need.
Services for...
After placing someone in employment, we will continue to provide support to the employee as long as it is needed, be it weeks, months or even years. It’s this commitment that has seen our placements achieve an average tenure of 42 months, which results in ongoing benefits to your business, too.
Our ongoing support services aren’t just designed to help your new employee find their feet in the workplace, but to assist you in managing their needs. So, if you aren’t sure about how to handle a situation, require some extra help, additional training or just want to talk to someone – we’re always here.
We can also create and deliver customised training sessions to assist you and your wider team, should you need it.
Whether in person, on the phone or in a group setting, you can count on our support as you build a strong partnership with your new employee. To find out more about our services, contact our team today.
Hear from Rob Weeden about our strong partnership with Pan Pacific Perth.