School Leaver Employment Supports - Edge Employment Solutions

School Leaver Employment Supports

Helping you prepare for the working world.

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Services for...

Edge is a registered NDIS provider offering School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) to school leavers in Year 12 to assist them with their upcoming transition from school to work.

We understand that everyone’s journey to employment looks different.

Our key focus is to engage school leavers in a variety of discovery activities, such as work experience, giving them the greatest opportunity to find and keep a job.

This is why we offer a broad range of individualised supports, tailored to the unique needs and interests of each school leaver.

What type of supports can we offer?

  • Goal setting and career planning
  • Identifying skills and interests
  • Communication skills
  • Personal branding and presentation
  • Exploring further education and training opportunities
  • Worksite tours and industry experience
  • Work experience in the industry of your choice
  • Volunteering
  • Travel training
  • Money handling
  • Time management
  • Computer literacy
  • Workplace health and wellbeing
  • Motivation and confidence
  • Developing an understanding of workplace norms and responsibilities
  • Resume writing
  • Interview preparation
  • Teamwork skills
  • Building resilience, accountability and flexibility
  • Understanding and designing cover letters
  • Providing onsite mentoring and coaching during work experience
  • Job search strategies and assistance with employer engagement
  • Mentoring prospective employers on how to best understand the individual’s strengths

We’re flexible in the way that we deliver these supports, which can be offered one-one-one, in a group or it can be a combination of both.

Group based activities are never more than four participants, at any given time. Our one-on-one sessions can be held in a variety of settings, and are not bound to Edge sites.

To receive SLES funding, individuals will need to have approval in a current NDIS plan, which is available for up to two years.

Click here to download our SLES Flyer.

To find out more email or contact us.

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