Edge Privacy Policy - Edge Employment Solutions

Edge Privacy Policy

Edge website privacy policy.

1.     Introduction

This Policy covers Edge Employment Solutions Inc. (Edge) of 38 Hood Street Subiaco, Western Australia. ABN 16 435 961 698.

2.     Purpose

This Policy will help you understand our approach to protecting your privacy and in particular:

  • The kinds of personal information that we collect and hold;
  • How and when your personal information is collected, used, held, disclosed or otherwise used;
  • Why we collect, use, hold or disclose personal information;
  • How you can access and seek alteration of your personal information;
  • How you can make a complaint;
  • How we deal with a complaint.

3.     Commitment

Edge is committed to protecting your privacy, to meeting the requirements of Australian Privacy Law and always operating within the letter and spirit of the Australian Privacy Principles which govern the way we collect, use, disclose, store, secure and dispose of your personal information.

Edge will maintain internal Policies and Processes to ensure personal information is correctly collected, accessed, held, shared, exchanged and/or disposed of and ensure all of our employees, officers and subcontractors know and understand their obligations to meet the standards set by the Principles.

A copy of the Australian Privacy Principles may be obtained from the website of The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

4.    What is Personal Information?

Personal information is information or an opinion that identifies an individual. Examples of personal information we collect include names, date of birth, age, gender, addresses, email addresses, phone number and contact details and if you seek to use our services, information such as education and employment history.  When we use the term Personal Information in this policy, we include Sensitive Information.

5.    What is Sensitive Information

Sensitive information is personal information which is:

a) Information or an opinion about an individual’s:

  • Racial or ethnic origin; or
  • Political opinions; or
  • Membership of a political association; or
  • Religious beliefs or affiliations; or
  • Philosophical beliefs; or
  • Membership of a professional or trade association; or
  • Membership of a trade union; or
  • Sexual orientation or practices; or
  • Criminal record; that is also personal information; or

b) Information or an opinion about an individual’s:

c) Genetic information about an individual that is not otherwise health information; or

d) Biometric information that is to be used for the purpose of automated biometric verification or biometric identification; or

e) Biometric templates.

6.  Collection of Information

We collect, use and store your Personal Information to provide and improve our services.

Personal Information is obtained in many ways directly from you including at interviews, correspondence, by telephone, facsimile, by email, in writing such as through forms or via our website. In circumstances where it is unreasonable or impracticable to collect personal information which we require to provide our services directly from you, we may ask a third-party for example where you authorise us to check information you have provided. We will take reasonable steps to ensure that you are made aware of the information provided to us by the third-party.

When we collect personal information, we will (where appropriate and where possible), explain to you why we are collecting the information and how we plan to use it.

7. Disclosure of Personal Information

Your personal information will be disclosed and used for the primary purpose for which it was collected.

We won’t disclose your personal information to any third parties unless:

  • You have expressly consented to the disclosure or your consent may be reasonably inferred from the circumstances;
  • You would reasonably expect, or have been told that information of that kind is usually passed to a third party. For instance we may provide personal information or allow access to organisations or people who help deliver, fund or provide the services Edge offers. This may include government departments, training providers, mailing houses, technology service providers and cloud storage providers;
  • We are required or authorised by law or where we have a public duty to do so; or
  • We are otherwise permitted to disclose the information under applicable Privacy Laws.

We may only disclose your personal information to someone outside Australia in very limited circumstances unless you have requested that we do so.  We are not aware of occurrences at the date of this policy and will avoid this where possible but if we are unable to do so we will ensure that we remain responsible to you and the location to which data is sent or stored has privacy laws providing protections at least equivalent to those in Australia.

8. Protection and Storage of Personal Information

We commit to secure and safe storage of Personal information. We will take all reasonable steps to prevent personal information from unauthorised access, misuse of authorised access, interference, modification, loss or disclosure.

9. Access to and correction of personal information that we hold about you.

Except in very limited circumstances you are entitled to access your personal information and to request that any inaccuracies are corrected. You may do so by contacting  Edge by any of the ways listed in section 11.

10. Complaints

If you have a concern that Edge has not met its obligations under this policy or Australian Privacy Law and wish to make a complaint you may do so by contacting Edge by any of the ways listed in section 11 however to allow us to properly investigate a complaint, we request that you provide the details in writing.

Edge will acknowledge receipt of a written complaint within five business days and investigate and provide a response to you within 30 business days of the complaint being received.   If you are not satisfied with how we have managed your complaint you may contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at any of the following

Website: www.oaic.gov.au

Phone: 1300 363 992

Email: enquiries@oaic.gov.au

11. Edge’s Contact Details

You may contact Edge’s Privacy Officer about any matter included in this policy

By email addressed to the Privacy Officer at: qualityassurance@edge.org.au 

By mail addressed to the Privacy Officer: Edge Employment Solutions Inc.

38 Hood Street, Subiaco WA 6008.

By telephone at: (08) 9286 6600

12. Additional Privacy Information when using Edge’s Website or dealing with Edge electronically

12.1 Anonymity

When using Edge’s website, you may use the website anonymously – we do not require you to give your personal information unless you wish to do so.

12.2 Cookies

When visiting Edge online, cookies may be put on your computer or internet-enabled device so our site can remember your computer or device. Cookies by themselves cannot identify you personally or your email address. Other identifiers (including your IP address) are used for our analytical reports to analyse unique visitors and geographical location of visitors, not to personally identify the individual.

Cookies allow us to customise your online experience, enhance performance, measure marketing effectiveness, usability and our online presence.

If you log in or register onto Edge’s website using a third-party account like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook or Google, we may be able to collect personal information that you have permitted the third-party service to share. This can include your name and email address but will depend on the privacy settings you choose with the third-party service and the third-party’s Privacy Policy.

12.3 IP Address

Computers and servers recognise and communicate by assigning a number to your computer, an IP address. Public IP addresses are recorded from visitors for security and system diagnostic reasons and possibly used in aggregate form for website trends, performance analysis and to personalise users experience.

12.4 Analytical Tools

Edge uses Google Analytics and their reports to improve the usability and efficiency of our website. First-party cookies and JavaScript code are used by Google Analytics to gather statistics about how Edge’s website is used. Visitors who interact with the website are autonomously tracked. This includes where they come from and what they did on the website. No personal information will be stored by Edge.

The JavaScript and code will generate information about your use of Edge’s website, including your IP address.

12.5 Web Beacons

Edge or their service providers may use web beacons to monitor third-party website effectiveness which help with marketing and recruiting through the gathering of visitor statistics and management of cookies. A web beacon is a small image file on a webpage that can collect certain information from your computer. This can include an IP address, browser type, time of content being viewed and existence of cookies that have been previously set by the same server. Web beacons can be made unusable by rejecting their associated cookies.

12.6 EDM

In Edge’s fortnightly Email Direct Mail (EDM), we monitor email open rates and other recipient actions through embedded links. This information assists us to enhance the newsletter by better understanding what the viewers wants. We follow the Spam Act 2003 and relevant data collection and Privacy Principles.

12.7 Location-Based Tools

Edge may collect the location of your computer or mobile device for providing information about the services we offer based on your location and to enhance our location-based services.

12.8 Social Media Widgets and Applications

Edge does not have control or responsibility for companies that use your information when you click on social media widgets on our website.

Edge’s website includes widgets to Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.

The social media applications may use and collect your information about the use of Edge’s website. If you give the social media application any personal information, this can be used by other members of their social media application. These actions are governed by the Privacy Policies of those companies of the application, not by Edge. Edge has limited to no control.

12.9 Website

Links to external websites from Edge’s website are for your convenience only. Edge does not accept any responsibility and does not endorse the material of linked websites not under the control of Edge and cannot protect your personal information if you provide it to a linked website.

12.10 Third-party Websites

Edge does not recommend, endorse, or approve the products or services provided on third-party websites. Third-party websites are not subject to our Privacy Policy or Procedures.

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