Did you know Edge can assist with workplace modifications?
In certain circumstances people with disability may require changes to be made in their workplace. This can include physical changes, buying equipment, modifications or accessing services including communications technology and Auslan interpreting services.
A great example of a successful workplace modification is Jahnavi.
Jahnavi has been working at Pan Pacific Perth as an Apprentice Chef for almost two years. Jahnavi is hearing impaired and was unable to hear when people were behind her in the busy kitchen environment, creating an occupational safety and health issue.
Jahnavi reached out to her Edge Job Coach and requested a workplace modification. The Edge team placed the request which was approved at no cost to the employer and an assessment of the working environment was made by an Occupational Therapist. Mirrors were recommended as a solution and the Edge team sourced the contractors to complete the modifications.
The Edge team used Job Access funding to provide an interpreter for Jahnavi so she was able to communicate with the contractors, ensuring the mirrors were installed in the correct location.
Pan Pacific Perth’s Frankie Broderick, Human Capital and Development Manager (pictured with Jahnavi), with the support of the Edge team, used Job Access funding to pay for the workplace modifications and to hire the contractors.
The mirrors were installed and now allow Jahnavi to see what is happening behind her, thus reducing the risk of injury. It is a great result with no expenses needing to be paid by the employer and importantly Jahnavi can remain safe in her role.
At Edge we undergo the workplace modification process for you with available funding provided by Job Access to help create the most productive workplace, saving you both time and money.