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Alexander hasn’t looked back

Alexander has now been happily employed in his role for over two years and he is still loving it! After being assisted by the Edge team to find a role that matched his interests and skills, Alexander hasn’t looked back once.

In his role as Administration Support Officer at GESB Perth, Alexander enjoys his job and the support from the GESB team. “I love doing all the tasks, especially making up seminar packs. I enjoy interacting with my colleagues and doing the scanning,” Alexander beamed.

Edge Job Coach Jacquie and NDIS Employment Support Coach Nicky provide ongoing support to Alexander which has helped him grow both personally and professionally. “They have helped me with my confidence, organisational skills, and making booklets to improve my job skills.

By Nicky making a step-by-step cleaning scanning machine booklet, she has helped me perform this task better and more confidently.”

Being employed has allowed Alexander to experience the power of employment, “I like the independence it has given me to travel to work and I now have my own money so I can buy things I like.”

For those who may be unsure about joining the workforce, Alexander shared his valuable insight, “Having a job can be fun, it gives you independence and you can make friends.”

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