2024 DEA Commemorative Medals
Thousands of people are employed by disability employment providers across Australia to support and assist hundreds of thousands of people with disability and their employment goals.
Disability Employment Australia (DEA), the peak industry body for Australia’s disability employment sector, recently awarded Commemorative Medals at their 2024 Conference in Melbourne to honour long-serving disability employment staff.
The Commemorative Medals were initiated by DEA as an expression of their regard and appreciation for people who have worked in disability employment for 10 years, 15 years and 20 years. A special commemorative medal is also awarded for lifetime achievement of 25 plus years working in disability employment.
A number of our team members were acknowledged for their achievements and received a Commemorative Medal.
DEA shared the following about the medals, ‘The Commemorative Medal salutes endeavours, successes, and longevity. This is our thank you, our small gesture of gratitude, to these disability employment professionals. Our sector was built on your commitment and continues to improve because of your dedication. This is our thank you to the countless people who strive to make DES the great program that it is.’